Oh, yes,

Aug 31, 2017,13:12 PM

I was thinking of Dr. Palmer, but Ms. Schwab too as well! Cheers, Filip

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Door - which one do you prefer?

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-15:51
1. Undercover 2. Wings ...  

An interesting link about car doors 😉

 By: Alkiro1 : August 30th, 2017-16:05
#today-the-gullwing-legacy-continues-with-this-car-26 Best wishes Alkiro

Funny you should mention that...

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-16:28
Tesla Falcon doors vs Lamborghini scissor doors... ...  

Lol [nt]

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-16:37

Hehe 😉

 By: Alkiro1 : August 30th, 2017-16:41
Best wishes Alkiro

What Is That Thing...

 By: elliot55 : August 30th, 2017-16:53
... Covering the bull?

It's a cell phone case based on the character Rilakkuma

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-17:56
A very popular Japanese character.

Very Interesting...

 By: elliot55 : August 30th, 2017-19:21
... I do like it. The bull is cool, but Rilakkuma may be even cooler!

Lol agreed [nt]

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-19:50

That article needs a good editor...

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-16:37
Interesting article topic but so poorly written. Man Business Insider needs a strong editing team! Besides that, fact checking - the only true scissor doors are the Lamborghini scissor doors on the Countach, Diablo, and Murcielago, which hinge straight up... 

My pleasure Thomas

 By: Alkiro1 : August 30th, 2017-16:45
If I could choose only one, that would be the Mercedes 300 SL Gullwing 😍 Best wishes Alkiro ...  

Great picture of a great icon.

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-22:01
I wonder if the reality can live up to the dream...(was just talking to someone whose uncle was a first owner of a Gullwing. He sold it because it was so uncomfortable...) Interesting what we are willing to put up with when practicality is no longer the m... 

Yes I can imagine that this Mercedes is not the most comfortable one but what a shape 😍

 By: Alkiro1 : August 30th, 2017-23:54
And I'm not sure the today's supercars are more comfortable compared to it 🤔 Best wishes Alkiro

You are right, of course...

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-04:18
Todays supercars arent necessarily more comfortable... It is always fascinating to hear the opinion of not quite addicted car lovers / watch lovers who are first owners about "icons" revered by the addicted. Cheers, TM

Perfect personality type for...

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-09:20
Watch connoisseurship! 😊

Yes true 😁

 By: Alkiro1 : August 31st, 2017-10:39
Best wishes Alkiro

Best doors are from von Koenigsegg that do not take any more space

 By: MTF : August 30th, 2017-16:59
The Koenigsegg doors open and move within the width limits of the car so it can be parked close to other objects and you can still get out. The new doors and other aperture covers on the Regera move by hydraulic mechanisms weighing only 5 kg. You don't ev...  

Now That's A...

 By: elliot55 : August 30th, 2017-17:14
... Car! Give me a Koenig, a Porsche, a Ferrari, a Lotus, a Mercedes. But Lamborghini? Lamborghini lacks the heritage of a Ferrari or a Porsche. My neighbor recently got a Lambo, and only after being called a douche-bag by his wife, kids business associat... 

Lol love slaves to image and brands.

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-17:50
Not. Whatever. TM

So True, And...

 By: elliot55 : August 30th, 2017-19:22
... Guilty as charged

Though I am aware of image, stereotypes, and perceptions

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-19:47
Related to brands and products, maybe more than most, a cornerstone of ThePuristS, and PuristSPro, discussions is that we try to rise above blind fanboy tribalism. This blind fanboy tribalism swings both ways, for and against. Perhaps you were joking, but... 

Ps: I do agree there are many douchey Lambo owners and drivers.

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-19:55
That doesnt make the Lamborghinis "simply and utterly douchey" just as shallow banal Rolex owners dont make Rolex banal, or scumbag BMW or snotty self rightous but shitty Prius drivers make the cars shitty or self righteous. BtW Porsches have more than th... 

Well put.

 By: InHavenPro : August 30th, 2017-22:24
One of the many reasons I thoroughly enjoy participating in this community is because the types of behavior you poignantly describe are few and far apart. Unfortunately a certain kind of customer can be found in most high-end product demographics but the ... 

Had a chance to hear the new US AM president speak - seems

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-04:31
Very humble and down to earth. Cheers, TM

I too....

 By: InHavenPro : August 31st, 2017-08:58
like him a great deal. I don't think that they could have done any better in that regard. And to finally answer your question myself - my preference is predictably Aston's swan wing doors but Lambo's scissors are a close second . Cheers, Filip

You mean her? [nt]

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-09:19

Oh, yes,

 By: InHavenPro : August 31st, 2017-13:12
I was thinking of Dr. Palmer, but Ms. Schwab too as well! Cheers, Filip

Agreed, And...

 By: elliot55 : August 31st, 2017-11:27
... Agreed.

Once Again Thomas, You Are...

 By: elliot55 : August 31st, 2017-11:26
... Spot on! Best, - Scott

Well said. Its personal preference. Rest is marketing, availabilty, hype and peer pressure.

 By: redcorals : August 31st, 2017-05:52
I prefer Lamborghini to Porsche, prefer APRO to Nautilus, prefer Brunettes to Blondes while knowing the differences/perceptions/expectations etc etc. Patek is worn by likes of McGregor and Ellen too. Brands don't make/break a person. Its the other way aro... 


 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-09:19

You Are Completely...

 By: elliot55 : August 31st, 2017-11:26
... Spot on. I meant to say that I find the Lamborghini to be on the douchey side of cars. Just my humble opinion, which I'm guessing I need to keep to myself. It wasn't meant to be a slight to Lambo owners per se. Of course, I cannot be the barometer of ... 

Your "humble opinions" need not be kept to yourself.

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-12:16
Hi, Scott, Forgive me if I'm wrong, but there is something a bit disingenuous in your comments, segue from your original post starting this whole sub-thread: "Give me a Koenig, a Porsche, a Ferrari, a Lotus, a Mercedes. But Lamborghini? Lamborghini lacks ... 

Thanks Thomas. Your Points Are...

 By: elliot55 : August 31st, 2017-15:26
... Well taken. When I look back on my original post(s) related to this topic I can definitely see how it may have been taken as rude - especially to those who actually own a Lamborghini. It was not meant as such. There are only 6 homes on our private cul... 

Agreed, "'nuf said."

 By: ThomasM : September 1st, 2017-14:27
for the photography forum, anyway, as your last reply hint at too many self-contradictory self conflicted opinions that to delve deeper here would be inappropriate... (for example: you mention "the money spent on just one of these cars could..." but I can... 

I disagree

 By: Gelato Monster : August 30th, 2017-19:39
The 350GT and the 400GT are drop dead gorgeous. The Miura Oh my GOD. the rest, ok I can understand your opinion about the design.

Thank You...

 By: elliot55 : September 1st, 2017-10:29
... We agree. - Scott

nice design

 By: Gelato Monster : September 3rd, 2017-04:59
Dont get me wrong, Modern Lamborghini does maintain its design DNA heritage and they are nice design, but perhaps not for some people. For me the 350GT and 400GT is even more attractive than the Miura.

I didn't see this coming Elliot....

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : August 31st, 2017-00:48
I would gladly be called douche-bag...sometimes giving names to people speaks more about giver than receiver Sincerely D

Hey Area, I Wasn't Going After...

 By: elliot55 : August 31st, 2017-15:53
... The Lamborghini owners. I was going after Lamborghini itself. Frankly, I love, love, love the more vintage Lambos. The Diablo springs to mind. The 350GT and 400GT might be some of the best looking cars ever made. And who doesn't love an Urraco? I will... 

What about your neighbour from the begining of post?

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : September 1st, 2017-09:46
Also how you name one that drives douchey car? Gentleman? Cheers D

Incorrect. Only the scissor doors require not one mm more than

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-17:54
The width of the car to open. All others including the Koenigsegg swing outward or eject even a few CM to open. Cheers, TM

The Koenigsegg was my absolute first thought when I saw the title of this post.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : August 31st, 2017-01:01
I absolutely love watching the mechanism. By far the coolest, IMO. Too bad I will never be able to actually make a grand exit from one of those.

The wings angle.

 By: EJR888 : August 30th, 2017-17:26
Hi, the best of this car is open the doors for give the back. Best Regards. EJR.

Access to the middle and rear seats is great in the Tesla Model X

 By: ThomasM : August 30th, 2017-18:04
If that is what you were referring to. But the sensors and hinges are problematic... A great idea imperfectly executed. Cheers, TM

Lol good one! [nt]

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-07:54

I prefer scissors..

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : August 31st, 2017-00:49
and that plate on Lambo is top Cheers

Lol thanks [nt]

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-04:21

Sorry Thomas but ...

 By: nilomis : August 31st, 2017-03:53
I can't resist. I prefer the "wings". Very pompous! Cheers, Nilo

:-) thanks for the vote, finally someone answering the question.

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-04:15
It seems many didnt notice this was in the photography forum, not the automotive forum... 😂

I am also going with "Wings"

 By: cshimokita : August 31st, 2017-05:12
maybe in a series "Undercover" would complement other photos, but (IMHO) as a stand alone photo it's only one part of the elephant. The background also works a little better with "Wings"... Lovely... always good to see your photos and your take on a theme... 

"One part of the elephant..." that sums up why that picture

 By: ThomasM : August 31st, 2017-08:05
Appealed to me - a snake? A tree trunk? Yet, the "Lamborghini doors" are so iconic one cant help but know what that is a part of... For some reason that shot also brought to mind iconic shots of the top rear corner of open police cruiser doors with the li... 

Wings for me.

 By: fernando : August 31st, 2017-05:46
But I don't understand the Alfa Romeo plate. Best fernando

I better only admiring

 By: Quan : August 31st, 2017-18:47
the nice photos and not to learn more which is which.....not heathy to bank account....LoL